The Visitor
excerpt from the movie, The Visitor
There are some movies that come and go and others that stay with you. Some that you see for fun, for a laugh, or to waste time. Then, there are those that take you away, absorb you in and remind you of things that you would have rather forgotten. "After a while you forget, you think you belong." But do you really? Do you really belong? Or is it just a smoke screen? Something you tell yourself in order to carry on? You really think you belong and you build your life around that belief. You live for years. And then, it all ends. In one sudden, unassuming move, it all washes away. You are removed from that which you had put together. You are taken away, no questions asked and no answers. You are suddenly back, back to that place from which you had tried to escape. Back to persecution, back to abandonment.
What on earth am I writing about? Watch the Visitor. Pretend you are an immigrant. Put yourself in their shoes. See how you feel. See what you think. What do you think?
I think life is full of surprises. Some good, some not so good. Some - like me - are forunate. Others, not as much. I will never get deported, I am a citizen now. But there are others, many others who will never have a chance at that. Who will always live with the fear of being randomly stopped in the metro station and find themselves in a detention facility on their way back to where they came from. And many of them, (I cannot generalise to say all of them) are innocent people, here to try for a better life, are here looking for safety and security. They will never know.........Or worse, they would have only started to know, to feel, to live, in time to be sent back, to be deprived, to be denied......... Why?
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